Manage projects with the powerful project management feature. Track expenses and time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track time logged by assigned project membe.
Build professional invoices. Attach files and send directly to your clients including the PDF files. Invoice with different tax based on item. Create recurring invoices which will be regenerated automatically based on your setup for recurring invoices. Your clients receive it monthly..
Create estimate within minutes and send to your customers. Ability to auto convert the estimate to invoice after customer accepts. You customers can view and accept the estimate even without login..
You can keep track of your leads and easily follow their progress. Attach files, convert leads to customers, auto import leads from contact forms and emails. Create proposals and leave notes. .
Record company expenses. Set expenses billable to customers or projects. Set up a recurring expenses and they will automatically be created after the specified period. .
Receive and record payments in different currencies. Customers can pay you via Credit Cards, Paypal and Stripe. Auto generated receipts after each recorded payment.
Great support ticket system with autoresponse. Private ticket staff notes, ticket assignments, attachments, predefined ticket replies, insert knowledge base link, ticket priorities, ticket statuses. .
Add knowledge base articles from text editor or create your own. “Did you find this article useful?” vote included in clients area. .
Assign task to one or multiple employees, add task followers, task comments allowed, task attachments. Get notified when tasks get completed. .
Create and send contracts to your customers via our built-in sending contracts feature. Ability to send customer reminders before contracts expires. .
Reminders visible on the calendar for your colleagues. Reminders for invoices, leads, appointments, contracts expiration, estimate expiration, tasks finish date. .
Share great company events, upload images and documents, easy employees communications and file sharing. .
Setup goals and track achievements. Notify staff members about failures or accomplishments. Track complitions and stages. .
We Create Custom fields for all features that your business needs. We can assign custom fields to groups and categories, making it easier for your users to find and categorized leads and
customers. .
Sales reports, item reports, income reports, reports by customer, leads conversions reports, knowledge base articles (Track if your article is useful to clients, improve text based on votes.